New blog for 2008-2009

This blog for last years season is now closed and there is a new one for season 2008/2009.

Go here

All the same information and useful links. Dont forget training starts Tuesday 2nd September, 7pm at same place.


After training on the 8th July I mentioned that we may be able to squeeze in one more session before summer, but that now will not be the case due to various events- such as school productions and discos etc. Training has, therefore, ended.

Training will resume on Tuesday 2nd September back at the Hockey Club in Trent Park at 7:00pm.

Our first match will be on Sunday 7th so keep yourselves fit and healthy over the summer and I look forward to seeing you in September. Have a great summer. Adam

MinchendenYouth Tournament - Sunday 22nd June

Please register 9:00am at the Bramley Road clubhouse. Matches will commence at 9:30 and the whole event will be wrapped up before 1pm due to a cricket match. Please note that there will be no parking available in our small car park.

News: Tournament

Due to too few players coming forward to play tournaments the only one we can enter is our own Minchenden Tournament on Sunday 22nd June. I have only had a handful of forms back so I will ring around everyone within the next few days to check availability and also check if you are still o.k to play for us next season. You may have heard that we have been promoted to the top league for next season - well done everyone.

Reminder: Minchenden Tournament

If you want to be in the summer tournament you need to return the form to Adam by 30th May. The form is available here.

News: Summer Tournaments

In addition to the Minchenden Tournament I put a couple of other small sided tournaments on the blog but I have only had a handful of resonponses and not enough players to field a team.

I have just received details of another one on Saturday 5th July. It is a 6 a-side event at Firs Farm Primary School, Rayleigh Road, N13. Cost will be £5 per player. If you would like to enter, can you e-mail me to let me know on



News: Minchenden Tournament

There is another Minchenden Tournament this year to be held again at Bramley Road on the Sunday 22nd June. Full details will be available shortly and I will hand out forms this weekend.


End of Season Presentations

Who is Footballer of the year? Find out on Sat 10th May at the Bramley Road clubhouse. Meet at 10:00am for a fun 8-a-side match then presentations in the bar at approx 11:45am. We will need to be done by 1:15 before the cricketers arrive.