Reminder: Minchenden Tournament

If you want to be in the summer tournament you need to return the form to Adam by 30th May. The form is available here.

News: Summer Tournaments

In addition to the Minchenden Tournament I put a couple of other small sided tournaments on the blog but I have only had a handful of resonponses and not enough players to field a team.

I have just received details of another one on Saturday 5th July. It is a 6 a-side event at Firs Farm Primary School, Rayleigh Road, N13. Cost will be £5 per player. If you would like to enter, can you e-mail me to let me know on



News: Minchenden Tournament

There is another Minchenden Tournament this year to be held again at Bramley Road on the Sunday 22nd June. Full details will be available shortly and I will hand out forms this weekend.
